Elected Officers

Each year our members are given the opportunity to select by election, the team of students who will be entrusted with representing our members to the University and beyond. These ‘executive officers’ are elected in March to take office from 1st July to the 30th June each year.

There are two types of elected officer. Sabbatical Officers are elected for a paid term (of office) and work full time with a broad remit of responsibilities. These officers are either, students who take a year out to undertake the role, or who are just about to graduate. Student Officers are volunteers who are also continuing their studies alongside holding office. They hold no specific 'portfolio' but will often have clear areas of interest (such as ‘entertainment’ or ‘welfare’) and more focused representational responsibilities.

Executive Officers meet regularly throughout the academic year and minutes of these meetings can be accessed below.


Sabbatical Officer team, 2024/2025: