
Here at Winchester, we have a diverse range of students and pride ourselves on having an inclusive and friendly community. We aim to promote inclusion, participation and representation by creating safe spaces where you feel you belong, your voice can be heard, and positive change can be achieved through collective action.

This is a space for students to learn more about our inclusion work, as well as to explore and learn about inclusion in general.

If you have any suggestions, comments or feedback, we would love to hear from you! Fill out the Typeform below to have your say.

If you would like to have a chat about anything on this page or in general, please do contact the Student Union President, Charlotte at



A guide to Bystander Intervention

  • A guide to being a better ally and what to do when you are a witness to a hatred towards minority groups.


How to foster true diversity and inclusion at work (and in your community)

3 ways we can redesign cities for equity and inclusion


Use the Recite Me software for accessibility and language support tools - this works on our website!

reWorked: The Diversity and Inclusion Podcast

How to Become and Advocate for Inclusion, Equity and Diversity 


Karina Litvack

  • This woman shows incredible kindness by inviting 16 refugees from all around the world to live in her home for months or even years


Humanity and Inclusion

Inclusion UK


Winchester Student Union

  • Facebook - Winchester Student Union
  • Twitter - @winchestersu
  • Instagram - @winch_su


If you would like to hear more about our inclusion work, or suggest an idea/campaign, please fill out our Typeform below to have your say. Alternatively, please do contact the Student Union President, Charlotte at