So, you would like to propose a new activity group to the Student Union? This is very exciting news, and we are happy to help you make this idea come true! This page will give you some information on the process you will have to follow to create your New Activity Group, as well as some tips involving forms you should start thinking about as you will have to fill these out if accepted.
The first step to proposing new Activity Group is following this link to fill in the Activity Group Proposal typeform. Please provide as MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE as this will be used for the review in the next step. This form asks for things including the purpose the activity group, the aims, any events/projects you hope to plan, when/where/how often do you hope to meet, how your activity group will promote access, equality and diversity, costs and if you will be charging membership fees.
Stage Two
The Vice-President Activities and Services as well as the Activities Team will access the information you have provided in the Activity Group Proposal typeform. This information will be reviewed to ensure that your Activity Group is suitable and able to move onto the next step.
If you are successful in the review, the Activities team will send you an email with a link to a typeform. This is something you will need to distribute to interested parties to show that you have interest in the Activity Group you are proposing. You will need either 15 interested parties if you want to make a new Society or Sports Team, or 10 interested parties if you want to make a new Representational Network. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN LINK FOR THIS! This interest must be gathered within six University teaching weeks of the interest from the date of being emailed to the prospective committee.
Once the previous steps have been completed you will be emailed the Code of Practice forms, in order for you to start your Activity Group. These are a requirement and contain a risk assessment, constitution, budget plan and action plan. You can find some information about these forms here.
The full proposal process is outlined in the Unions Activities Bye-Law point 4, found here: Bye-Law 4