We are Access, the disabled student's network for students at University of Winchester! We aim to create a space for all students to express themselves freely as one navigates University life. We're here for those who do and don't identify with the term disabled, we are welcoming to all.
Our weekly sessions are a great opportunity to socialise with other like-minded individuals. Our sessions rotate from being in-person to being online in hopes of accommodating as many students as possible. We will have fidgets available for students to use during our sessions as well! If you want to find out about our upcoming sessions, Click here!
You can stay up to date with us through our Instagram and TikTok accounts. Once you are an official member, you will be invited to a member-only WhatsApp. A member of the committee will email these over. To access all our social media, resources, and more, make sure to check out our LinkTree!
If you need to get into contact with us for any reason, you can get in touch with the committee through our social media pages and groups.
Coming soon!
Click here to view terms and conditions
Where an activity group (sports team/society/representational network) has a competitive element or other external factors that affect the number of participants, your membership may be subject to criteria other than joining the group via this website. If this results in your membership not being able to be accepted, you will be informed (with any relevant details) and your membership will be refunded.
Membership will not normally be refunded if you cease being a student, if you voluntarily end your membership, or if you are subject to disciplinary action that removes your membership status.
By joining this activity group you are confirming your compliance with Student Union policies and bye-laws, particularly as it pertains to conduct, personal safety and acceptable behaviour.
Initiations: At no point should you feel pressured to drink and get involved in what others are doing, for example to join in with drinking games or ‘challenges’, if you don’t want to. If you are part of an activity group it is completely your choice whether or not you attend a social event. Activity groups are prohibited from carrying out initiation ceremonies, or any initiation-type behaviour, either on or off campus. If you ever feel pressured to take part in social activities as part of an activity group, we would strongly encourage you to report it to us here: https://www.winchesterstudents.co.uk/report It is our upmost priority that you feel safe engaging in Union activity, and there is support available for you if you have experienced or witnessed anything that made you feel uncomfortable or concerned you.